November 29-30, 2016 – University of Missouri Campus, Memorial Union
Going Green with Conservation-Based Farming:
Market-Based Approaches to Promote Soil Health and Water Quality
The 2016 Green Lands Blue Waters conference brings a market-based focus to complement innovative, science-based approaches to conservation of soil and water quality. Landowners react positively when their bottom-line is enhanced. Proven, market-based options, including cover crops and perennial-based practices (i.e., agroforestry, perennial grains, biomass, forages, and winter annuals) support the deployment of continuous living cover, and speak directly to the bottom line. Farmer-to-farmer strategies are required to scale up conservation for large scale impacts on soil and water quality.
- Download a printable PDF with full session details
- Download a printable PDF with full Bios of Speakers
Opening Keynote
Why We Should Invest in Soil Health and Conservation in the U.S
Bill Buckner
President and CEO, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundations
The Noble Foundation conducts direct operations, including assisting farmers and ranchers, and conducting plant science research and agricultural programs, to enhance agricultural productivity regionally, nationally and internationally.
Closing Keynote
Public-Private Partnerships to Improve Water Quality in Iowa and the Mississippi River Basin
Sean McMahon, Executive Director, Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance
Increasing the pace and scale of farmer-led efforts to improve water quality.
Conference Agenda
Tuesday, November 29
8 a.m. Registration and light breakfast
9 – 9:15 a.m. Welcome: Rob Kallenbach, Assistant Dean for Extension; College of Agricultural, Food and Natural Resources Sciences, University of Missouri
9:15 – 10 a.m. Opening Keynote: Why We Should Invest in Soil Health and Conservation in the U.S. Bill Buckner, President and Chief Executive Officer, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
10 – 10:30 a.m. Networking break
10:30 a.m. – Noon Market-Based Tools for Production and Conservation
Moderator: Dean Current, Research Associate & Director, Center for Integrated Natural Resources and Agricultural Management (CINRAM), University of Minnesota
Calculating the Financial Costs & Benefits of Conservation Cropping
Rebecca Wasserman-Olin, Economics Researcher, Chippewa 10% Project/ Land Stewardship Project
Fruit And Nut Compass Decision Support Tool
John Hendrickson, UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
NRCS Dedicated EQIP Funding for Agroforetry and Specialty Woody Crops
Lauren Cartwright, Missouri NRCS Agricultural Economist
Noon – 1 p.m. Lunch
1 – 3 p.m. Continuous Living Cover Breakout Sessions
This breakout session focused on the use of perennial pasture and silvopasture to create additional market-based approaches to promote biodiverse landscapes, animal and soil health, and improved water quality using large and small ruminants and poultry. Workshop participants were invited to ask questions and widely discuss the future of managed intensive grazing for large and small livestock and poultry, incorporating silvopasture to enhance animal health, production and market opportunities.
Incorportating Silvo-Pasture Into Mob-Grazed Livestick. Marketing& Leasing Options
Greg Judy |
Producing and Marketing Meat Goats Using Invasive Species as a Rotationally Grazed Forage Sources
Mark Kennedy, |
Professionalizing Agroforestry in the U.S: What Will it Take?
Dr Shibu Jose |
Perennial Biomass
Native grassland biomass and the wildlife conservation community can be partners in market-based approaches to resource conservation. This breakout session focused on native herbaceous perennial biomass (NHPB) as feedstock for bioenergy with an emphasis on water quality and wildlife conservation benefits. We explored NHPB production systems and spotlight examples of commercial NHPB projects designed for improving water quality, achieving multiple wildlife conservation goals, and enriching farm financial and ecological functioning. Progress in biomass market development was demonstrated. Participants were invited to ask questions and widely discuss existing and untapped synergies between agricultural production of NHPB and opportunities for substantive improvement in resource conservation at multiple scales. One anticipated outcome was a commitment to long-term dialogue on partnerships in continuous living cover.
On- Farm Production of Native Grasses for Forage, Bioenergy, and Sediment and Nutrient Loss Reduction
Steve John, |
Commercial Scale Bioenergy in Northern MO Using Native Perennial Polyculture
Connor Woods, |
Other presenters: Tom Schwartz, FDC Enterprises; Chris Eder, National Wild Turkey Federation; Gwen White, Science Coordinator Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers Landscape Conservation Cooperative, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Cover Crops
This session was designated to hearing from cover crop experts on working with farmers, comparing cover crop species, and cost share programs available in Missouri. Session attendees were invited to discuss challenges and opportunities in increasing cover crop adoption in the Midwest.
Farmer Success with Cover Crops and Area for Further Improvement
Sarah Carlson, |
Other presenters: Jerry Kaiser, NRCS Plant Materials Center (serving Missouri, Iowa and Illinois); Jim Plassmeyer, Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Perennial Forage and Pastures: Hosted by Midwest Perennial Forage Working Group
Patch-Burn Grazing to Improve Wildlife Habitat and Control Invasive Plants
Max Alleger, |
Silvopasture – A Tool to Improve Woodland Grazing, Adapt to Climate Change, Diversify Farm Income and More
Diomy Zamora, UMN-Extension |
Other presenters: Dusty Schaaf, Missouri Farmer-Collaborator
Perennial Grains
This breakout session focused on the perennial grain, Kernza, which is trademarked name of the perennial grain from the intermediate wheatgrass plant, trademarked by The Land Institute. Research on the grain is quickly evolving and market interest has been sparked. National brands with new Kernza products have driven a spike in media attention and local markets in the Midwest are encouraging interest from farmers, millers and local food businesses. We discussed challenges and opportunities in research and commercialization to keep the momentum around this new grain building. Workshop participants were invited to ask questions and widely discuss the future of perennial grains.
Kernza and the Land Institute’s Broader Perennial Vision; moving Kernza Forward Through Research and Commercialization
Lee DeHaan, |
Research Updates: Kernza and Ecosystem Services, and Kernza as a Dual- Purpose Crop for Grain and Forage Systems
Charles Frahm, |
New Farmer Perspectives on Building Acreage and Markets in Illinois
Woody Woodruff, |
3 – 3:30 p.m. Networking break
3:30 – 4:10 p.m. Reports from the CLC Sessions
Session Notes (PDF)
4:10 – 5:30 p.m. Markets for CLC Crops
Elderberry – Options for Production, Income Generation and Market Opportunities
Andy Thomas, |
Camelina and Pennycress- Keep it Green: Cleaning up with Cash Cover Crop
Frank Forcella, Research Agronomist, USDA ARS |
Kernza – Supporting Early Market Enthusiasm with Strong Relationships and Systems to Increase Supply and Develop Key Supply Partners
Aaron Reser, |
5:30 – 6:15 p.m. Reception
6:15 – 7 p.m. Dinner
Wednesday, November 30
7:30 – 8 a.m. Light breakfast / networking
8 – 8:30 a.m. Green Lands Blue Waters Update
Richard Warner, Director, Green Lands Blue Waters
8:30 – 10:30 a.m. A Strategic Watershed Tour:
Participants will rotate through two rooms, each session will be held twice in a row, half of attendees will start in A, half in B. Each session focuses on using a watershed approach to scale-up the impacts of Continuous Living Cover farming from field-scale change to landscape-level change through collaborations across regional watersheds.
Increasing Continuous Living Cover at a Watershed Level: Grazing Case Studies
Lowery Creek Watershed, WI
Richard Cates, Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, UW Madison
Case Study in Partnership: Upper Little Sac Watershed, MO
Diana Sheridan, Missouri NRCS District Conservationist
Mike Kromrey, Executive Director, Watershed Committee of the Ozarks
A Watershed Approach to Bring Diverse Stakeholders and Funders Together
Our Missouri Waters, MDNR
Mary Culler, Northeast Region Watershed Coordinator
St. Croix River Association, MN & WI
Monica Zachay, Water Resource Steward
10:30 – 11 a.m. Networking break
11 – 11:20 a.m. Stacking Conservation Practices in Order to Maximize Ecosystem and Economic Benefits
Rob Myers, Regional Director- Extension Programs, North Central SARE
11:20 a.m. – Noon Closing Keynote: Public-Private Partnerships to Improve Water Quality in Iowa and the Mississippi River Basin Sean McMahon, Executive Director, Iowa Agricultural Water Alliance
Noon – 1 p.m. Lunch
1:15-3:15 p.m. Optional Post-Conference Biomass Field Trip
Herbaceous perennial biomass: species trials, polyculture trials and ecosystem services.
Bradford Research Center, Columbia, MO