Grazing for Conservation and Soil Health

Speaker Bios

Laura Paine


Laura Paine has been involved in Wisconsin’s sustainable agriculture community in a variety of roles for more than 20 years. She coordinated on-farm research on managed grazing at the University of Wisconsin, College of Agriculture from 1992 to 1999 and served seven years as Extension Agriculture Agent for Columbia County, WI. From 2006 to 2014, she served as Grazing & Organic Agriculture Specialist for the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection.

Paine is currently Program Director for the Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship, a formalized, nationally accredited training program for beginning dairy farmers. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Botany from Southern Illinois University, a Master’s Degree in Horticulture from the University of Wisconsin, and is a Certified Educator for Holistic Management International. She and her husband raise and direct market grass-fed beef on their farm near Columbus, Wisconsin.

Andy Marcum

Andy Marcum is the Ag Lands Solutions Specialist for the Land Stewardship Project. His work focuses in the Chippewa River Watershed on the Chippewa 10% Project, a cooperative effort focused on increasing perennial cover throughout the watershed. Growing up on a Hereford Ranch in Oregon, Andy has gained an extensive background in cattle and grassland management. Currently Andy works with various landowners to improve production and profitability on their property. Mainly focusing around improving grazing systems and utilizing cattle as a tool on recreational and public property to improve grassland health, pasture production and wildlife ecosystems. Andy also raises Grassfed Beef on his own ranch using intensive grazing management to restore degenerated pasture and Native Prairie.


Extension Publications
Agricultural Ecosystems References
  • Roth, A.M., D.W. Sample, C.A. Ribic, L.K. Paine, D.J. Undersander, and G.A. Bartelt. 2005. Grassland bird response to harvesting switchgrass as a biomass energy crop. Biomass and Bioenergy. 28: 490-498.
  • Chapman, E.W. and C.A. Ribic. 2002 The impact of buffer strips and stream-side grazing on small mammals in southwestern Wisconsin. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 88: 49-59.
  • Paine, L.K. and C.A. Ribic. 2002. Comparison of riparian plant communities under four land management systems in southwestern Wisconsin. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. 92: 93 105.
  • Renfrew, R.B. and C.A. Ribic. 2002. Influence of topography on density of grassland passerines in pastures. American Midland Naturalist 147: 315-325.
  • Renfrew, R.B. and C.A. Ribic. 2001. Grassland birds associated with agricultural riparian practices in southwestern Wisconsin. Journal of Range Management 54: 546-552.
  • Lyons, J., B.M. Weigel, L.K. Paine, and D.J. Undersander. 2000. Influence of intensive rotational grazing on bank erosion, fish habitat quality, and fish communities in southwestern Wisconsin trout streams. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 55: 271 276.
  • Paine, L.K., R.M. Klemme, D.J. Undersander, and M. Welsh. 2000. Wisconsin’s grazing networks: history, structure, and function. J. Nat. Resour.Life Sci. Educ. 29: 60 67.
  • Paine, L.K., Dan Undersander, and Michael D. Casler. 1999. Pasture growth, production, and quality under rotational and continuous grazing management. J. Prod. Agric. 12(4): 503 504, 569 577.
  • Temple, S.A. and Fevold, B.M. and Paine, L.K. and Undersander, D.J. and Sample, D.W. 1999. Nesting birds and grazing cattle: Accommodating both on midwestern pastures. Studies in Avian Biology, 19: 196-202.
  • Paine, L.K., D.J. Undersander, S.A. Temple, D.W. Sample. 1997. Managing rotationally grazed pastures for forage production and grassland birds. Pp. 54-58. In: Proceedings of the 1997 Forage and Grassland Conference. M.J. Williams, ed. American Forage and Grassland Council. Georgetown, TX. 306 pp.
  • Paine L.K., T.L. Peterson, D.J. Undersander, K.C. Rineer, G.A. Bartelt, S.A. Temple, D.W. Sample, and R.M. Klemme. 1996. Some Ecological and Socio-Economic Considerations for Biomass Energy Crop Production. Biomass and Bioenergy, 10(4): 231-242.

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