GLBW is a coalition — a network — of many partners working to get Continuous Living Cover on the land. The GLBW network is conducting essential research, improving the genetics of old and new crops, translating knowledge into CLC farming systems, developing new extension and outreach capacity, working in farm fields, shaping policy, building profitable markets for new crops, and changing the narrative around what’s possible through agriculture. With farmers, businesses, agencies, nonprofits, and policymakers, our network is demonstrating the economic, environmental, and social benefits of CLC farming and creating an environment where these new crops are competitive and profitable from the farmstead to global markets.
In addition to the partner organizations represented by our Steering Committee, we are working with the following organizations on current activities. Because our work is partner-based and highly dynamic, this list is continually changing and so the names below represent a snapshot in time and is never exhaustive. For example, the list does not include the numerous municipalities, counties, soil water conservation districts, watershed organizations, etc. that we partner with.
American Farmland Trust
Askov Finlayson (partner and funder)
Bang Brewery
Birchwood Cafe
Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship Program
Dumpling & Strand
Fair State Brewing Cooperative
Forever Green Initiative
General Mills
Illinois Stewardship Alliance
Iowa Rural Water Association
Iowa Source Water Agricultural Collaborative
Iowa Soybean Association
Iowa State University Extension & Outreach
Izaak Walton League
The Land Institute
Land Stewardship Project
Liberty Prairie Foundation
Lincoln-Pipestone Rural Water System
McKnight Foundation (funder)
Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (administrative home)
Minnesota Rural Water Association
The Nature Conservancy
North Central Region Water Network
Patagonia Provisions
Practical Farmers of Iowa
Prairie Rivers Network
Rural Advantage
Savanna Institute
Soil and Water Conservation Society
Southwest Badger Resource Conservation & Development Council
Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota
Trees Forever
University of Illinois Extension
University of Minnesota, Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics (administrative home)
University of Wisconsin, Agronomy Department
University of Wisconsin Extension
US Water Alliance
USDA NRCS State Technical Committees, Conservationists, and Staff
Wallace Center at Winrock International, Pasture Project
Walton Family Foundation (funder)