Connect to Our Work

If your work intersects with ours now or could in the future, please email us at and describe what you would like to explore together.

The GLBW Theory of Change is that through thoughtfully-designed, highly-engaged collaborations with agricultural practitioners across the region and across sectors – new, creative channels of policy, program, and market support can empower farmers to shift more acres to CLC farming systems in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. GLBW and partners lead, communicate, and convene and target leverage points on the landscape, among farmers, in the policy environment, and in the marketplace.


  • Serve as a vision holder for partners working on CLC in the Upper Midwest and strategically drive collaborations that allow our partners to tackle more together than they could alone.
  • Communicate via research-based resource creation and dissemination.
  • Convene –
    • partnerships focused on moving agriculture toward a more human-centered, equity-focused approach
    • practitioner-to-practitioner to network and share resources, tools, and lessons learned; and
    • strategic actors in high-level, invite-only targeted gatherings to address complex, cross-sector, systems-level opportunities and gaps.