CLC Literature Resource List

The CLC Reference List highlights primarily peer-reviewed literature on the environmental, social, and economic impacts of Continuous Living Cover, as well as some relevant technical publications. The goal is to provide a collection of research that supports the benefits of CLC strategies for use in literature reviews, presentations, and more. Each entry includes the full citation, categorized by the strategy studied and impact area (soil, water, climate, economic, etc.). Green text highlights which papers are open-access. Click here to see the view-only Google sheet version of the list, which can be sorted by strategy and impact area. You can also use the Crtl-F or ⌘-F function to search for authors or keywords. If you have a peer-reviewed article that you would like to see added, email the citation or a link to the paper to Evelyn Reilly at

To contribute to this list please email Evelyn Rilley at